Treatment Programs

Intensive Outpatient Programs

Our intensive outpatient treatment program at Oasis II is perfect for clients who’ve completed a more structured program and are ready to transition back into home life, careers, schooling, and passions. Both centers provide morning, evening, and weekend clinical hours where clients can find support and maintain skills at their own pace. Intensive outpatient treatment can act as an aftercare service for clients who’ve graduated from programs both in and outside HCANA. Learn more.

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Our Intensive Outpatient Program at Oasis Recovery

Located at our secondary site, the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) at Oasis Recovery offers a blend of support, structure, community, and accountability. This program allows more flexibility than traditional inpatient and partial hospitalization programs, making it an ideal option for those who require a less restrictive environment.

Will from Oasis Recovery Center discusses the details of our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) at Oasis II, our dedicated IOP facility.

Participants may enter the IOP directly or transition from other programs or rehabilitation centers. Recognizing the need for adaptability, the program is available three mornings or evenings per week, accommodating the various schedules of clients and their families. This setup enables participants to manage their work, school, and family commitments while fostering a balanced and sober lifestyle.

Facility Highlights at Oasis II

Oasis II, located at 364 Weaverville Road, Asheville, NC, provides a welcoming and equipped setting for the IOP. Features include spacious group areas, private rooms for individual sessions, shaded picnic spots, a basketball court, screened porches, designated smoking zones, and a vibrant art mural designed by clients and staff.

Therapeutic Modalities in IOP

The IOP at Oasis Recovery centers around a variety of therapeutic approaches:

  • Group Therapy: Essential for improving interpersonal skills and providing mutual support, our group sessions are fundamental to the recovery process.
  • Individual Therapy: Focuses on overcoming substance-related challenges and maintaining sobriety, with frequent sessions tailored to personal recovery needs.
  • Holistic Therapies: Includes creative and expressive therapies such as art, music, adventure, and yoga, offering alternative avenues for stress relief and emotional expression.
  • Family Therapy: Integrates family members into the treatment process to enhance support networks and improve recovery outcomes.

Choosing Between Intensive Outpatient and Residential Treatment

While residential treatment offers comprehensive care, IOP provides a viable alternative for those needing to balance recovery with daily life commitments. For clients in less stable environments, we coordinate with sober living facilities to ensure a supportive recovery space.

Contact Us Today

If you or a loved one could benefit our intensive outpatient program in Asheville, North Carolina, contact us today. Our comprehensive rehab programs are designed to provide a safe and supportive environment for people trying to escape one of life's hardest struggles. We have centers that provide everything clients need to establish a strong recovery foundation, including medical detox, residential treatment, therapeutic nutritional programs, and complete aftercare support. Call today to learn more from one of our compassionate and expert admissions agents.