Treatment Programs

Residential and Inpatient Treatment

Residential/inpatient treatment offers a structured, supportive environment for individuals to focus on recovery from substance use disorders. This immersive approach provides comprehensive care, evidence-based therapies, and a strong sense of community.

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Our Program in Knoxville

Our residential treatment program at Knoxville Recovery Center provides the highest levels of care and structure for clients who need 24-hour support. Each clinical day is filled with evidence-based therapies, holistic healing methods, nutritional recovery classes, psychoeducation workshops, and more. Every client’s treatment plan is intentionally filled with engaging and experiential activities to help them explore their emotions and challenges during the beginning stage of recovery. 

Harrison from Knoxville Recovery Center goes over what the program offers

Knoxville Recovery Center is large enough to accommodate 36 clients, with gender-specific wings and 24 beds specifically reserved for individuals who first require medical detox. Our center also features a large back lawn, gazebo, and stunning outdoor courtyard where clients can lay out in the sun, practice yoga, or relax in a hammock. The interior features apartment-style rooms with private bathrooms, common rooms with original fireplaces, and a large dining room with a beautiful stained glass window. Learn more.

Components of Inpatient Treatment at Knoxville Recovery Center

At Knoxville Recovery Center, clients begin their journey with an initial assessment. Based on the assessment results, they are either directly admitted into the comprehensive inpatient rehab program or start with a medically supervised detox process. The structured inpatient program operates seven days a week, with clinical hours from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Sundays. Outside of these scheduled hours, clients have the opportunity for leisure time.

  • Evidence-Based Therapeutic Approaches: The experienced treatment team at Knoxville Recovery Center employs a range of evidence-based therapies, including acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), motivational interviewing, and cognitive behavioral therapy. These approaches assist clients in processing thoughts and emotions, exploring values-aligned behaviors and beliefs, and addressing ambivalence towards addiction and treatment. Therapists prioritize a person-centered approach to ensure that each client feels genuinely supported and understood throughout their journey.
  • Group Therapy Sessions: Group therapy sessions at Knoxville Recovery Center provide a safe space for clients to share their experiences and gain insight from empathetic peers. During weekdays, clients participate in intimate primary group sessions led by their assigned clinician, who utilizes various therapeutic techniques, such as dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). These smaller groups foster reflection and mutual support. On weekends, clients engage in process-oriented group sessions that delve into the psychological and emotional aspects of addiction and recovery
  • Holistic Practices: Knoxville Recovery Center recognizes that healing and recovery extend beyond traditional therapy methods. The facility features a dedicated yoga studio that serves as a serene space for Qigong sessions, expressive arts workshops, mindfulness classes, and individual and guided meditation. Twice a week, clients participate in "Just For Today" sessions, held immediately after breakfast, where they set intentions and affirm their goals for the day ahead.
  • Family Involvement: Family involvement is an integral part of the addiction treatment process at Knoxville Recovery Center. Each client is assigned a primary clinician who maintains regular communication with their family members. As trust and rapport develop, family members, significant others, and other support systems are encouraged to participate in therapy sessions alongside their loved ones. This collaborative approach fosters open communication, establishes healthy boundaries, and ensures that clients have a strong support network throughout their recovery journey.
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment: Knoxville Recovery Center is a licensed facility that offers FDA-approved medications to alleviate physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms, such as buprenorphine/naloxone, naltrexone, and acamprosate. The center also provides medication management for co-occurring disorders, including depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and schizophrenia.
  • Addiction Education: Addiction education sessions at Knoxville Recovery Center cover a wide range of topics. Clients participate in a relapse prevention course, where they learn effective strategies for managing cravings and stress. Neuroscience-informed psychoeducation sessions explore the inner workings of the brain and the development of substance dependencies. Through the SMART goals program, clients acquire the skills to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives. The center also places emphasis on nutrition education, which highlights the importance of meal planning and cooking in maintaining a healthy recovery lifestyle.

Benefits of Inpatient Treatment at Knoxville Recovery Center

  1. Structured Environment: One of the most significant advantages of inpatient treatment at Knoxville Recovery Center is the structured environment it provides. This setting allows individuals to dedicate their time and energy to developing healthy coping skills and understanding the underlying factors that contribute to their substance use. Recovery requires consistent attention and commitment, and the structured environment at Knoxville Recovery Center enables clients to focus on their personal growth and healing. By identifying effective strategies, areas for improvement, and potential challenges, clients can feel better prepared to manage cravings and navigate high-risk situations after completing treatment.
  2. Supportive and Non-Judgmental Staff: The clinical team and entire staff at Knoxville Recovery Center approach each client with empathy and understanding, as many of them have personal experience with recovery. Rather than passing judgment or criticism, they offer unwavering support, patience, and hope. Clients are encouraged to take the time they need to process their emotions without feeling pressured or stigmatized. The staff's wisdom and firsthand experience create a safe and nurturing environment where clients can focus on their recovery, knowing that a compassionate community of peers, experts, and family members will be there to support them every step of the way.
  3. Sense of Community: At Knoxville Recovery Center, clients become part of a tight-knit community where everyone is united in their struggle against addiction. Having a network of individuals who truly understand the challenges of addiction is essential for those seeking to overcome it. The genuine connections formed during inpatient treatment foster friendship, compassion, empathy, and hope. Clients quickly realize that they are not alone in their journey and that recovery is a collaborative effort. The strong sense of community at Knoxville Recovery Center serves as a powerful source of motivation and support throughout the treatment process and beyond.

Contact Us Today

If you or a loved one is struggling with substance use disorder, our center in Knoxville is there to help. The residential/inpatient treatment program offers a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to recovery in a supportive and nurturing environment. Take the first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life by contacting our admissions team today. We are available 24/7 to answer your questions, provide information, and guide you through the process of beginning your journey to recovery.